ansible regular expression

Match pattern in Ansible debug output using regular expressions. Starting from scratch about regex

Ansible Regex Example - Remove old NTP Servers Playbook

Ansible RegEx Search Filter Tutorial: How to Parse Configuration | Create Groups | Multiline

Ansible, attempting to get specific regex pattern to work with lineinfile module

DevOps & SysAdmins: ansible replace regex with variable (2 Solutions!!)

Ansible Replace Module - Ansible playbook to replace multiple strings from the Json logs #linuxtopic

Ansible import_playbook on directories or with regular expressions


Learn Regular Expressions In 20 Minutes

Regular Expressions (RegEx) Tutorial #8 - Starting & Ending Patterns

Ansible Regexp groups, patterns or something else?

Ansible match and change a bash prompt with regex (2 Solutions!!)

Ansible syntax for regex_search using variable to match (4 Solutions!!)

DevOps & SysAdmins: Ansible regex is wrong to add a block in a file (2 Solutions!!)

DevOps & SysAdmins: Ansible replace: regex/replace span multiple lines?

Mini tuto - Sur Ansible afficher ou chercher la Nième valeur avec regex

DevOps & SysAdmins: How to do regex-replace in a file using Ansible?

Ansible 'raw' module - using escape characters in regex to perform 'sed' command

Permanently Set Remote System Wide Environment Variables on Linux - Ansible module lineinfile

Lineinfile module - #ANSIBLE 28

DevOps & SysAdmins: Ansible expect regex issue (2 Solutions!!)

Regular Expressions - regex_replace

Ansible - Create A String From An Array

Ansible Replace Module